GUP Tech
VeJ7 - PORCorn Rockerverb Preamp
VeJ7 - PORCorn Rockerverb Preamp
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
Our VeJ7 - POR-Corn (Preamp Orange Rockerverb) is a take at one of the most loved amp ever, the Orange RockerVerb. Tweaked with 4 gain stages, thanks to pretty awesome JFET transistors, this is the closest we can get to the OG using only cheap and common components.
Classic three bands EQ, input Gain, Gain, and volume controls. Use Input Gain to tame high output or to boost single coil pickups.
Power consumption : 3mA
Voltage : 9-18Vdc center negative.