Knob-Session MTL 2022

Knob-Session MTL 2022

This end-of-August was quite something this year! Not only did one of our cute little baby chickens became a man (with all that’s implied with a rooster), but we also made our first appearance in a gear show!

The event was called KNOB-SESSION and it happened in Montreal, August 27 and 28. What a great weekend!

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that people liked our designs and tooks tons of pictures to send their spouses and kids, but Guillaume’s technical knowledge also came in handy!

Since we are an online-only store, people were more than happy to try our products and

Jimmy, our Pure Salem Guitar, was touched like never before!

The expo best seller was definitely our A(((ole))) and it sold out the first day.

The biggest surprise was the bassists’ interest in us, and we definitely underestimated it! All of our bass pedals but one Bass Fire Fuzz went to their forever (or not) home and we realized how left behind the bassists were!

We highly recommend following Delicious Audio guitar pedal blog because it’s a great source of information for guitarists and bassists! Plus, Paolo (the creator and organizer) is a great guy!


1 comment

Julian from Texas

Julian from Texas

So cool to see y’all venture out! May this company continue to grow and succeed! One day I’ll make the journey to shake Guillaume’s hand!

So cool to see y’all venture out! May this company continue to grow and succeed! One day I’ll make the journey to shake Guillaume’s hand!

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