Plem Series - Presentation (ENGLISH)

Plem Series - Presentation (ENGLISH)

Who? What?

Hello dear GupTech community,

I hope all is going well on your end and that musical life is going well!

My name is Plem and I am an associate of Boucane, owner of the BouGear page. Gup and Emilie approached me some time ago about some Gear-flavored chronicles that they want to put together through their pages and the GupTech company. At first glance, I thought to myself that I was more or less the right person to contribute to this initiative. I am not a technician or repairer, and I really have no technical formation in the field. I am a person who, like you, had fun falling into this incredible abyss that is the world of Gear and musical technologies.

Over the years, I admit that I have taken a liking to building systems, or rigs as they are called. I invest a lot of time in structuring the perfect rig allowing me to push my Gear imagination even further! Musical creativity does not come simply through the instrument, but also through the establishment of a system which itself inspires me through its composition and arrangement. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts as some say! ... While doing so, I encountered a multitude of connection and interaction problems (sometimes shady, sometimes very interesting) which allowed me to realize, or at least, to draw up certain observations according to the context or the type of Gear system. I love to test!

Looking back, and discussing all this with Gup and Emilie, I finally believe that I might be a good candidate for the post of Gear-Gup chronicles. Ultimately, the goals of these chronicles are to raise interesting exchanges within the Gup-community as well as to learn together about the gear and its technologies. This could result in the presentation of products and their possible uses, tutorials, and even (why not?), certain historical portions. This will certainly evolve over time.

I end by taking my hat off to Gup and Emilie (and Gup's brother in the shadows)! Fantastic curious humans who aren't afraid to go for it and most of all, love to learn! GupTech has certainly made its way into the Quebec pedals world and, I would even point out, even more so on the international scene;)!

We look forward to chatting with you and discussing the fabulous Gear technologies!

Gear On / Rock On


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