Angel Reaper - Douche Edition
Angel Reaper - Douche Edition
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
Looking for an all-inclusive solution for your Overdrives and Boost needs ? The Angel Reaper is a triple-in-1 tone monster to push your breaking up amp.
First on the right is our Angel Honker, based on the BluesBreaker, with a little bit more Volume (thanks to the morning glory mod). After that is our Horsie, the classic Klon clone based on the FAMOUS Centaur.
Third OD is our Honker Hot Rod, based on the original TS-808, with our Fat and Voicing modes.
The result is stackable chain of perfectly matched circuit to get you from bluesy to Crunchy tones.
Note : Top right jacks are for the Angel Honker and the Horsie. Top left jacks are for the Honker Hot Rod only. You can rearrange the circuit order by playing with the wiring.
Power consumption : 27mA
Voltage : 9Vdc Only. Anything higher will blow the Klon circuit.