I Sea Q - 6-Band EQ
I Sea Q - 6-Band EQ
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
Hello guys, it may seems a bit contradictory to you, but here at GUP Tech, we are trying to do our thing in the best eco friendly manner that we can. Every iteration of ourselves is better than the previous one, and even if retail means consommation, means trash, we try to compensate in different ways, either by reusing lots of packaging our parts come in, supporting the wildlife (like we did with our MajesTim) or like this time, with our I Sea Q pedal, to help remove trash from the sea.
More detail here in a blog post by Emilie.
Our I Sea Q is here. A completely "transparent" 6-Band EQ build with Knobs instead of faders, for reliability reasons.
Classic 100 - 200 - 400 - 800 - 1600 and 3200hz. At 12 O'clock, the EQ is completely transparent, letting the pure tone thru. You'll get boost/cut while adjusting from 0 to 10 on each band.
Power consumption : 13mA
Voltage : 9Vdc center negative
Lab series demo video :