GUP Tech
Lab #50 - Momentary Poulp (Green Ringer)
Lab #50 - Momentary Poulp (Green Ringer)
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
2021-10-03 Update : Have a look at our production model of the Lab #50, our BROctopus.
Our Lab Series #50 is basically our Poulp (the Green Ringer tribute) equipped with our PPRSS system (relay switching). This addition allows the user to momentary use the effects while holding the footswitch, and auto-release when you leave the footswitch alone.
Bigger 125B enclosure to leave space for the micro-controller.
Power consumption : 23mA
Voltage : 9Vdc center-negative.
Demo of the Poulp :