GUP Tech
Clippy Fuzz
Clippy Fuzz
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
One of our favorite and most versatile fuzz based on the Paul Trombetta Mini-Bone.
Volume and Gain knobs are used as you would expect. The Bone knob is a little bit tricky, fully clockwise, it's completely choking the transistors voltage and add a nice sub-octave to your tone. The 3-position toggle under the Bone knob adjust the attack of the knob and the reactivity.
Mood knob is a little bit like an EQ for the upper-Octave tone you can get. With the toggle on the right position and the knob fully clockwise, you'll get a nice octave up tone.
Disclaimer : This ain't a beginner fuzz, with all the controls, it's easy to get lost and hurt your feelings. We would recommend this pedal to a tone-fanatic or someone who know what he/she's buying.
Power consumption : 1mA
Voltage : 9Vdc center-negative