GUP Tech
WNR - Douche Edition
WNR - Douche Edition
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
2022-10-29 : Here's the Golden WNR, douche edition, sparkling look, same chorus-able features.
The "WNR" is a Chorus-Delay effect for guitar and bass.
Chorus is controlled via the "rate", "int", "shape" and "Overlap" knobs.
Slapback delay is controlled with the "delay" and "depth" knobs.
Overall results is a versatile classic chorus that can go to completely crazy ambient "bottom of the sea" effects. Start with everything at zero except Depth and Intensity and then go with the flow!
Power consumption : 32mA
Voltage : 9Vdc Center negative only.
Headroom : 4.31dBu (3.6Vpp) @ 1kHZ