GUP Tech
Lab #56 - EQ
Lab #56 - EQ
GUP Tech shop
6182 Boulevard Talbot
Saguenay QC G7N 1W1
2022-01-25 : Have a look at the GUP Tech production model for this Lab, the PdeQ Presence Depth EQ.
The Lab #56 is a new EQ from GUP Tech. But not just another EQ, here's a pedal to emulate the effect of the Presence and Resonance tone on your amp.
It's a game changer if your amp doesn't come with a Presence/Resonance(depth) knobs and you play chugging metal tones. This, at the end of your loop, just before the return, will give the extra OOOMMMPHHH and push to get out in the mix and hear yourself better.
Simple Presence (with on-off toggle) and resonance (with on-off toggle) controls.
Power consumption : 20mA
Voltage : 9Vdc center negative